NCTC Play: The Yellow Boat
Show Date: 10/27 at 7:00pm
Regional Competition: 10/28-10/29
State Competition: March 3-5, 2023 at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC
Regional Competition: 10/28-10/29
State Competition: March 3-5, 2023 at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC
Fall Theatre Class Showcase
Show Date: December 8 at 6:30pm
Free Admission
Each Theatre I, II, and III class culminates in a one-act play, which will be produced for family and friends in a showcase for one night only. All class shows are geared toward each class's specific range of abilities. The Academy class will be showcasing their individual presentations.
Free Admission
Each Theatre I, II, and III class culminates in a one-act play, which will be produced for family and friends in a showcase for one night only. All class shows are geared toward each class's specific range of abilities. The Academy class will be showcasing their individual presentations.
Spring Musical: The Addams Family
Song and Monologue AUDITION Dates: 11/28, 11/30, 12/01, 12/02
CALLBACK Date: 12/05
SHOW Dates: April 14-16
Blumey Awards: May 21, 2023
The Spring Musical is an OPEN CALL audition to ALL students at Lake Norman High School! Click the button below to find information about auditions, sign up for a slot, and fill out an audition form!
The Spring Musical will be announced after school starts up in the Fall. Students in the Spring Musical are eligible to participate in the Blumey Awards.
CALLBACK Date: 12/05
SHOW Dates: April 14-16
Blumey Awards: May 21, 2023
The Spring Musical is an OPEN CALL audition to ALL students at Lake Norman High School! Click the button below to find information about auditions, sign up for a slot, and fill out an audition form!
The Spring Musical will be announced after school starts up in the Fall. Students in the Spring Musical are eligible to participate in the Blumey Awards.
Monthly Lake Norman Live Improvisation Shows
Performances 2022-2023:
September 15
October 13
November 3
December 01
January 26
February 9
March 16
April 20
May 25
Tickets are $2 at the door.
Lake Norman Lives are the Academy’s monthly improv shows. The students play games, dress up to a theme, and have a fun-filled, easygoing comedy night for audience members to enjoy. Lake Norman Lives are a chance for the Academy to come together and perform some of the most chaotic, out-of-the-box, and without a doubt, most hilarious scenes you’ll ever watch or be a part of.
September 15
October 13
November 3
December 01
January 26
February 9
March 16
April 20
May 25
Tickets are $2 at the door.
Lake Norman Lives are the Academy’s monthly improv shows. The students play games, dress up to a theme, and have a fun-filled, easygoing comedy night for audience members to enjoy. Lake Norman Lives are a chance for the Academy to come together and perform some of the most chaotic, out-of-the-box, and without a doubt, most hilarious scenes you’ll ever watch or be a part of.
Academy Spring Play: The Play That Goes Wrong (High School Edition)
Show Date: May 12-13, 2023
Each spring, Academy produces one straight play as a class, and the students are responsible for almost all of the aspects of the show (directing, tech, producing, and performing).
Welcome to opening night of The Murder at Haversham Manor where things are quickly going from bad to utterly disastrous, with an unconscious leading lady, a corpse that can’t play dead, and actors who trip over everything (including their lines)!
Each spring, Academy produces one straight play as a class, and the students are responsible for almost all of the aspects of the show (directing, tech, producing, and performing).
Welcome to opening night of The Murder at Haversham Manor where things are quickly going from bad to utterly disastrous, with an unconscious leading lady, a corpse that can’t play dead, and actors who trip over everything (including their lines)!
Spring Theatre Class Showcase
Show Date: May 18, 2023 at 6:30pm
Free Admission
Each Theatre I, II, and III class culminates in a one-act play, which will be produced for family and friends in a showcase for one night only. All class shows are to-be-determined and geared toward each class's specific range of abilities.
Free Admission
Each Theatre I, II, and III class culminates in a one-act play, which will be produced for family and friends in a showcase for one night only. All class shows are to-be-determined and geared toward each class's specific range of abilities.
Theatre Awards Banquet
Banquet Date: June 3, 2023 at 6:00pm
All theatre students attend an awards banquet and are recognized for their accomplishments for the year. Students receive graduation regalia, pins, and are celebrated in front of their peers!
All theatre students attend an awards banquet and are recognized for their accomplishments for the year. Students receive graduation regalia, pins, and are celebrated in front of their peers!